Gaining and Growing a Vision from God

Vision is a word that has been difficult for me to define and honestly a word that I would say should not be used to describe my life. However, as I approach the end of my 4th year of working in full-time college ministry, a vision from the Lord is the only thing that keeps me going. God has given me, and continues to refine, a picture of how he wants me to use my time and gifts to partner with him in seeing his kingdom come on earth.

As I have been sharing my faith and helping women grow in their relationship with God over the past seven years, two truths continue to fuel me:

  1. God gives life to dying people through the power of the gospel

  2. God’s word is life to his children

Sadly, I have found that these two truths are easily forgotten in the hustle and bustle of life. Therefore, many people are apathetic to their personal need of a relationship with God, and Christians substitute sharing the gospel and spending time getting to know their Father in heaven through His Word for deadlines and accolades. This is not always intentional. However, the need to recalibrate our hearts and minds is vital. 

God gives life to dying people through the power of the gospel

Genesis 1-2 reminds us that we are created for perfect union with God in his presence, but our sin breaks our relationship with God and separates us from him. The Bible is clear: people will spend an eternity separated from God if they don’t believe — put their trust and confidence — in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord (1 John 5:12-13).

“For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” 2 Corinthians 5:21, NLT 

I won’t pretend that this truth is always enough to lead me into uncomfortable conversations about people’s spiritual life; but once I envision the faces of people I love, on campus and off campus, who do not have a relationship with God, my heart breaks for them often bringing me to tears. 

As I consider what people apart from Christ are finding their hope in — relationships, jobs, approval of others — or the fact that many people have no long term hope at all, I cannot imagine a life that does not involve me offering the water of life to the thirsty. I continue to show up to the college campus because college students are the next generation that will influence the culture and the world. I believe that equipping them to share the truths of Christ with others magnifies the ability for the gospel to reach the world. 

God’s word is life to his children 

Jesus tells us that Christians live by “every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). God’s word is an essential need for the Christian life. Through his word, he shows himself and his character, he teaches people how to live, and he shares what he loves and cares about. As I have been able to get to know women in various life stages, I have seen that women who read God’s word regularly have a clearer vision of how to use their time and gifts for God’s kingdom. They are also more confident in God’s character and what that means for their life and the lives of those around them. God speaks to his people through his word, which is living and breathed from him. Let us listen to him daily and seek to know him intimately. 

My personal vision is fueled by the the need for minority women to be reached with the gospel fuels me as an African American woman. The lack of minority female voices that exist in the evangelical Christian world and the fact that most minority women that I encounter on the college campus do not know many Christians or Christian missionaries that look like them motivates me to endure in college outreach ministry. God’s character is reflected in people of all ethnicities. Therefore, the need for exposure to minority Christian women and missionaries is needed in the Christian world altogether. 

Growing a vision from God

  1. Spend time reading God’s word regularly – It is vital to the Christian life to read God’s  word in order to know him, and it also allows his vision and mission to become yours (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

  2. Remind yourself of the gospel by sharing it with others – We need the gospel daily, and we can be reminded of how God transformed our lives by sharing the truths of the gospel with others (2 Corinthians 5:21).

  3. Pray for God to show you how he wants to use your gifts and time to serve his kingdom (Matthew 6:10).

In a recent conversation with my sister she said such a simple yet profound truth: “If anyone has a manual on how they are supposed to live, it is Christians.” I want to invite you to get to know your Father in heaven by reading his word and praying that his heart for his children to live for him and for people to come to know him would become your heart, all for His glory.  


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